Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The scene of the crime

In order to tell this story I need to provide a little background info. We have all of our downstairs toys between the couch and the TV so that we can at least look like attentive parents when we are watching TV. We also had to move our coffee table to cover the cable box and DVD player in order to keep Hunter away from the "fun" buttons. So obviously that area is somewhat irresistible to the little munchkin.

I was sitting on the couch the other day and he was crawling around playing. He loves the sit 'n spin and was playing on that a little bit. I kept glancing over at him and he was fine, he kept trying to crawl on everything but I thought it was no big deal. Then I proceeded to watch him step on the top of the sit 'n spin and then climb up on the coffee table! That little stinker!
I wanted to get a picture of that but I was too nervous to leave him and get the camera for it, so I had to settle for a picture of the setup. I now have to remind Madison that it is important not to leave big toys by the coffee table or else Hunter will climb on up and could fall off.

Right when we moved in to our new house I was unpacking in our bedroom and I had Hunter with me to keep him from falling down the stairs, but at the same time had the door open to watch Madison play. I put some tupperware tubs in front of the door to keep him in the room but he decided he was having none of that. He is so smart, he crawled right over there, stood up and then started pushing it out of the way so he could escape to the toyland in our loft. I had to close our door after that. How does he know these things?


Brittany said...

Amanda I found your blog from Lindsays... I'm totally adding you to my blog list, if that's ok. Your kids are so dang cute! Sounds like you might have a potential climber on your hands. Both my boys were climbers... good luck!

Casey's Boys:) said...

Hey Ainge Family, I periodically check your blog for updates, plus I am a total blog stalker . . . fun to see what friends are up to and see that everyone's life is as crazy as ours. Madison and Hunter are adorable! Casey and I have two now also - Carter, 3 and Connor, 1. I think Connor is right at Hunter's age and he loves everything electronic. He is always pushing buttons on the dvd player, turning the tv off and messing with the cable box, plus trying to steal my remote constantly. Had to laugh when I saw Hunter does the same thing. Would direct you to our blog but does not exist. We are thinking of coming out that way at Christmas if we take a road trip to Utah then. Will have to get in touch before then. - Jon Reynard